Day 3--July 31, 2010
240 miles - Arco, ID to Salt Lake City, UT
It's three in the morning. I am sitting on a concrete step outside the room of a motel that could have been in the movie "No Country for Old Men." The thunder woke me up. I moved outside to see the lightening now tearing across the sky every five seconds in long white branches. It's a huge storm. The wind is rising and now pushing over the small poplar trees across the parking lot. Thunder is continuous, rolling in like an artillery barrage on a nearby front.
We have to ride south later this morning - south, where the storm is now. We will ride into the lava flows of the Craters of the Moon National Monument. The volcano that made these craters sounds like it's erupting. A four-inch vole appears from under my motorcycle, can't stand the tension, and makes a run for it to the promised safety of an E-350 van parked to the left. Rain is coming down in big, hard, spaced drops.
The motel lights flicker and go out, and I return to bed, hoping this thunderstorm has the good sense to do likewise.
At sunrise we pack the bikes and head out to the lava. The storm has moved a little to the west, but it's still throwing bolts against the desert floor not far from the road out of town. We get wet as we skirt the flanks of the visible downpour, but the storm, like a farm dog, can only bark at us as we speed by.
Tim Rosenhan
President of Innova Kayak
Twitter: @innovakayak
240 miles - Arco, ID to Salt Lake City, UT
It's three in the morning. I am sitting on a concrete step outside the room of a motel that could have been in the movie "No Country for Old Men." The thunder woke me up. I moved outside to see the lightening now tearing across the sky every five seconds in long white branches. It's a huge storm. The wind is rising and now pushing over the small poplar trees across the parking lot. Thunder is continuous, rolling in like an artillery barrage on a nearby front.
We have to ride south later this morning - south, where the storm is now. We will ride into the lava flows of the Craters of the Moon National Monument. The volcano that made these craters sounds like it's erupting. A four-inch vole appears from under my motorcycle, can't stand the tension, and makes a run for it to the promised safety of an E-350 van parked to the left. Rain is coming down in big, hard, spaced drops.
The motel lights flicker and go out, and I return to bed, hoping this thunderstorm has the good sense to do likewise.
At sunrise we pack the bikes and head out to the lava. The storm has moved a little to the west, but it's still throwing bolts against the desert floor not far from the road out of town. We get wet as we skirt the flanks of the visible downpour, but the storm, like a farm dog, can only bark at us as we speed by.
Tim Rosenhan
President of Innova Kayak
Twitter: @innovakayak
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